Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The beginning...

I try to be sophisticated and stylish in the way I dress, wear my hair, the way I act... but I suspect that people see right through it. They see someone who is trying to look sophisticated and stylish. They see an insecure, socially awkward, girl. A girl, not a woman.

This is always the way I see myself, as a girl. I'm not sure why this is, but it's something I can't shake.

Right now, though, I feel like a woman.

In the following pages, I am going to say the things I usually don't. These are the things I usually think, but never voice. Things I'm sure that, if I even said to my friends or family, they'd give sycophantically encouraging and cliche responses.

So, I'm opening myself up to anyone that might stumble upon this blog. May be no one will care, but it'd be nice to have a sort of public diary. I guess we'll see.

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